Monday, August 17, 2015

Si Cepot

Today is Indonesian independence day!
People in my country be like "merdeka merdeka merdeka!!" during this day.
Since today is today, my choice of clothes is of course the colours of my country flag: red and white.

Let me introduce u the character on my shirt, I present to you, Cepot, my favorite wayang golek puppet character since I was still little.

I bought this shirt in Bandung ages ago and this  is the very first time I ever used it.

Today theres gonna be a video shoot about Indonesia being 100% an independent country and free from subjection by foreign countries for 70 years.
The video is by Partai Solidaritas Indonesia with #100% merdeka theme.
Take a look!

Nothin much to say here but HAPPY INDEPENCE DAY to all of u my readers and to my lovely country Indonesia. Stay awesome!

black scale scale of black bucket hat
amante sunnys
lahlahland ripped jeans
rumah warna rhea bag


  1. i want your ripped jeans >.< nice outfit btw

    xx stella

    kindly check out my blog
