Tuesday, May 14, 2013

all I need is MONEH!!!

Now this gonna be my favourite shirt!! Yea moneh moneeeeh all I need is yoooou ~

Yeah It just feel like Im proud of all these money around my body, and Im showing y' all HAHAH!! 

Anyway, this afternoon, my boyfie join a bboy battle and I was accompany him today, n seriously it's so HOT today, i just cant stop sweatiiee !! 

This fuckin sun almost makes me crazy, see ?? Im getting crazy. :| (pls don't laugh)

Ta daaah, he was so grumpy when he was in the dance floor.
You know what? He got the 1st prize.
Congratulation for ERC ^_^ (East Rider Crew)
You guys always kill it! \m/

cap - crispy duck
chain neckale - bouchique
moneh unisex t-shirt - wellborn prime, this is a love song
studded backpack - bugis street
boots - docmart, size sneaker store
studded bracelet - recycled


  1. ciee congratulation for your boyfriend :)
    can you give me all of the money in your t-shirt, hehe no no just kidding, again and again, love your unique style ai :)
    oh y itu lagi megang makanan apa?


  2. Love your outfit and images! Can't wait to see more of your posts!

    P.s Now following! Hit me up on my photography page

    Facebook ~ https://www.facebook.com/PositiveSnaps
    Blog ~ http://positivesnaps.blogspot.ca

    Much appreciated

    Matthew Arruda Lima

  3. Such a lovely look, girl you look fab

  4. such a cool top ! love love...
    congrats to ure fab bf ;)

    visit me at chrisnawatinovia.blogspot.com

  5. cool shirt!

    and LOL to those little boys getting so awed behind your boyfriend over there…:D

  6. cool shirt!

    and LOL at those little boys getting so awed behind your boyfriend over there… :D

  7. love your tank and chained necklace!! rad! xx

    Letters To Juliet
