Last saturday, me n my team, FaBuHaKu, went to Kalam Kudus, Kosambi, to join dance competition. Ok, we went there with nobody. No supporter, no coach as usual, no one help us!
Disana ada 12 peserta, 'n kita di urutan ke 11.
Absolutely pesimis sesampainya disana! OK, a lot of beautiful womens there with pretty makeup n costumes also. N we were there with our simple costume.
With black big shirt n gold baggy pant.
N mc bilang our hairs looks like gulali! LOL
After the competition, kita dapet kesempatan utk masuk ke ruang juri n meminta feedback dr mereka.
Glad to heard dat they said, kita paling enjoy diantara semua tim lainnya. Mreka bilang, mreka ga bs bnyak komentar karna dia sndiri blm tntu bisa ngelakuin sperti apa yg kita lakuin. N they said, tim lainnya masih berada di tingkat bawah 'n kita uda diatas. OMG, truly happy ya know!!
N finaly we got 1st place for the 1st time!!
Actually dat's not my goal, my goal's to be a GOOD DANCER!
N after dat, me n Yulia, went to ma friend's party @ Gandhi steak house GM.
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